
4.7 ( 797 ratings )
Geliştirici: Beevest Securities Limited

兆豐證券(香港)為服務廣大之尊貴客戶,特設計完成全新之報價下單軟體(MagicTrader Plus),以極佳之軟體設計,提供運行快速、穩定及流暢之手機下單軟體。提供尊貴客戶方便、迅速、即時之全新感受,隨時掌握市場資訊。

兆豐證券(香港)MagicTrader Plus 之功能如下:
A) 基本功能版(15分鐘Delayed):
-市場排行: 含股票、窩輪、牛熊證的二十大升跌幅、活躍成交、52週新高、新低之排序等;

B) 專業功能版(即時):

Mega Securities (HK) Company Limited has launched a brand-new mobile trading and stock quotation app “MagicTrader Plus” to serve our privileged customers. MagicTrader Plus is a fast, stable, smooth and safe mobile securities trading app and it keeps our privileged customers updating market information by browsing with the instantly market news.

The main features of MagicTrader Plus are as below:
A) Basic features version (15 minutes delayed):
- Basic Stock Quotation;
- Basic A+H stock price quotation;
- Basic Chart analysis;
- Ranking (Top/Bottom 20 of Stocks, Warrants, CBBC, most active traded securities, New High/New Low of 52-weeks securities);
- Sectors of the stock market information;
- Basic Worldwide Indices;
- Company information;
- FX quotation;
- Clients portfolio position status;

B) Professional features version (Real Time):
- Real time stock quotation includes real time stock quotation, monies flow, volume, technical analysis, corresponding warrants and listed companies;
- Instantly market news update;
- Streaming stock price quotation with broker queue;
- Real time A+H stock price quotation;
- Professional Chart analysis;
- Customable stock watch list;
- Real time Ranking (Top/Bottom 20 of Stocks, Warrants, CBBC, most active traded securities, New High/New Low of 52-weeks securities);
- Real time Sectors of the stock market information;
- Worldwide Indices with real time chart.